Early Christianity in the Danube Region – Frühes Christentum im Donauraum
International Hybrid Conference, 3rd – 5th May, 2023
Irina Achim, Bucharest (Institute of Archaeology „Vasile Pârvan“)
Josipa Baraka Perica, Zadar (University of Zadar)
Davide Bianchi, Vienna (University of Vienna)
Ferenc Fazekas – Levente Nagy, Pécs (University of Pécs)
Olivér Gábor, Pécs (Janus Pannonius Museum)
Nadežda Gavrilović – Jelena Andjelković Grašar, Belgrade (Archaeological Institute of Serbia)
György Heidl, Pécs (University of Pécs)
Radu Petcu, Constanţa (Museum for National History and Archaeology) –
Dominic Moreau, Lille (University of Lille)
Ingrid Petcu-Levei, Constanţa (Museum for National History and Archeology) –
Dominic Moreau, Lille (University of Lille)
Renate Johanna Pillinger, Vienna (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
László Strasszer, Pécs (University of Pécs)
University of Pécs
HU 7624 Pécs, Rókus street 2, first floor, room 106.
(Microsoft Teams with Registration)
3rd May, Wednesday
Arrival of the Participants
4th May, Thursday
9.00 Welcome speech: András Láng, University of Pécs, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for Academic and Accreditation Affairs
9.15 Welcome speech: Andreas Pülz, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Austrian Archaeological Institute
9.30–10.10 Renate Johanna Pillinger: Early Christianity in Danube Bulgaria
10.10–10.40 Davide Bianchi: Reassessing the Early Christian Caskets in the Upper Danube Provinces
10.40–11.10 Ferenc Fazekas – Levente Nagy: Late Roman Helmet Mount Fitting from Lussonium with Christogram Representation – Typological, Chronological and Religious Historical Considerations
11.10–11.30 Coffee Break
11.30–12.00 György Heidl: The Iconography of an Early Christian Cancellum Pillar in Gorsium
12.00–12.30 Nadežda Gavrilović – Jelena Andjelković Grašar: Spreading Christianity from Moesian Inland to Danube Limes and Vice Versa – through the Lenses of Material and Visual Culture
12.30–13.00 Josipa Baraka Perica: Retrospective and Perspective of Defining Archaeological Context of Early Christianity in Dalmatia
13.00–14.00 Lunch at the Conference Venue
14.00–14.30 Radu Petcu – Dominic Moreau: Λάβε πῶμα καὶ πίε ἐλέησον! Κύριε! Ἀμήν! An Overview of the Lids with Christian Symbols discovered in the Provincia Scythia
14.30–15.00 Ingrid Petcu-Levei – Dominic Moreau: Christian Funeral Rites in the Provincia Scythia during the 6th–7th Cent. A.D.
15.00–15.30 Olivér Gábor: Recent Changes in the Evaluation of the Early Christian Burial Chambers of Sopianae
15.30–16.00 Coffee Break
16.00–16.30 László Strasszer: Siedlungsgeschichtliche Beiträge zu den ländlichen Siedlungen und Villen mit frühchristlichen Funden in Transdanubien
16.30–17.00 Irina Achim: Cult of Relics in Scythia: an Overview (online)
17.00–17.15 Concluding Remarks: Levente Nagy
5th May, Friday
10.00–14.00 Guided Tour in the Late Roman – Early Christian Northern Necropolis of Pécs: Levente Nagy
Pécsi Tudományegyetem | Kancellária | Informatikai és Innovációs Igazgatóság | Portál csoport - 2020.